Nursing and Health SciencesFaculty & Staff
Educating professional nurses who promote excellence and leadership
Ed.D., Eastern Michigan University
Post Master's Certificate, University of Michigan
MSN, Wayne State University
BSN, Eastern Michigan University
Dr. Deborah Dunn currently serves as Provost and Vice President for Academic Administration at Madonna University. She is also serving as Interim Dean of the College of Nursing and Health. Previously serving as dean of the Graduate School, director of the Center for Research, for 8 years prior to becoming provost. She has also served as interim dean of the School of Business. Prior to her appointment as dean of the graduate school in 2013, Dunn served in Madonna’s College of Nursing and Health as director of the Nurse Practitioner Program, and nursing faculty member for more than 20 years. She taught in the Nurse Practitioner, Doctor of Nursing Practice and BSN programs. Dunn also led several curricular revisions including the revision of the nurse practitioner curriculum to adult-gerontology and developed a dual track in advanced hospice and palliative care. A certified Gerontological Nurse Practitioner (GNP), certified Gerontological Specialist, and Adult Clinical Nurse Specialist, Dunn has more than 20 years of clinical work experience as a GNP.
She holds an Ed.D. from Eastern Michigan University, Post-Masters Gerontological Nurse Practitioner Certificate from University of Michigan, MSN – Adult Clinical Nurse Specialist with a minor in nursing education from Wayne State University and BSN from Eastern Michigan University.
Currently, Dunn serves as the Director of the Leadership Institute for GAPNA. She is a Past President of the Gerontological Advanced Practice Nurses Association (GAPNA). Prior national positions include board liaison to the Historical committee, and Communications committee, Director-at-Large, Chair of the GAPNA Writer’s Group for the Consensus Statement on the APRN Gerontological Specialist; GAPNA Newsletter editor; Chapter President’s committee; Research and Education committees. Dunn is a past recipient of GAPNA’s Excellence in Education Award.
Additionally, she has been active in the GAPNA Great Lakes Chapter since 1999, where she has served in several positions including past Chapter President. She has served on the chapter’s nurse practitioner mentorship night and Annual Conference planning committees. Dunn was honored with the GLC- GAPNA award for Excellence in Leadership in 2014.
Currently she serves as Chair of the Angela Hospice Board of Directors, and member of the Board of Directors Marywood Nursing Care Center, Livonia, Michigan and is a member of the Steering Committee for National Volunteer Community Care Corps.
In 2004 Dunn received the American Association of Colleges of Nursing graduate education End-of-Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) award in recognition for her curriculum work in end-of-life-graduate nursing education. She has authored several publications on care of the elderly, leadership, and nursing education. In 2019 Dunn received CRAIN’s honor as 100 Notable Women in Education Leadership in Michigan. In 2021, the National Hartford Center of Gerontological Nursing Excellence recognized her as a Distinguished Educator of Gerontological Nursing (NHCGNE).
Beth Bertolis has been a Clinical Instructor at Madonna University, School of Nursing for 3 years. She is a University of Michigan alumni from 2001. She obtained her Master Degree from Wayne State University in 2005, with her Pediatric Nurse Practitioner certification.
She has over 20 years experience working with the Pediatric population with pediatric surgery, pediatric anesthesia, and leadership roles teaching in the clinical setting.
Ph.D. Wayne State University
MSN, Wayne State University
BSN, University of Michigan
734-432-5472, Room #1304
Dr. Diane Burgermeister has been a faculty member since 2005. She is an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse who specializes in psychiatric mental health nursing. She is also certified as an adult psychoanalyst. She received her doctoral degree in 2003 from Wayne State University and in 2005 completed post-doctoral studies at the University of Michigan in Health Promotion, Risk Reduction.
She was awarded a National Institute of Nursing Research grant to pursue these studies which resulted in a paper widely read worldwide titled, "Childhood Adversity: A Review of Measurement Instruments", and was published by the Journal of Nursing Measurement.
In 2009 she was a member of the task force that helped to develop the Doctor of Nursing Practice (D.N.P.) at Madonna University and helped write the grant that resulted in an award titled, "Impacting Health Disparities by Developing Consortium Model for D.N.P. Programs in Partnership with Health Systems", funded by the Health Resources Service Administration.
Dr. Burgermeister teaches courses in mental health and research methods on the undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral levels in the College of Nursing and Health. She enjoys collaborating with students and faculty on research projects and has been active on many University and Department committees.
D.N.P., Madonna University
MSN, Eastern Michigan University
BSN, Eastern Michigan University
(734) 432-5492, Room #1113E
Janice Cecil is a full-time faculty member in the College of Nursing and Health. She joined the faculty in 2014. Janice is the course facilitator for Health Assessment and Health Promotion. She also team teaches in Holistic Care of Women and Families. Janice maintains clinical practice as a Clinical Nurse Specialist.
Her clinical interests include quality and safety. Jan’s teaching interests include active teaching strategies such as simulation as well as mentoring students to ensure their progression through the undergraduate nursing program.
Jaclyn Fontaine is a full-time faculty member in the College of Nursing and Health. She joined the faculty in 2013. Jaclyn is the course facilitator for the Introduction to Professional Nursing course and Holistic Care of Women and Families nursing course. She also teaches clinical and facilitates Academic Service-Learning in the surrounding community. Jaclyn also serves as an undergraduate coordinator.
Jaclyn's interests include striving for active and effective classroom and clinical strategies for nursing students. She is also passionate about Academic Service-Learning, where nursing students engage in service with community partners. Jaclyn earned a Certified Nurse Educator (CNE) certificate from the National League for Nursing, which exemplifies excellence in nursing education.
ABSN Program Director,
Assistant Professor
MSN, University of Arkansas, Grantham
MSA, Central Michigan University
BSN, Lake Superior State University
734-432-5473, Room 1400G
DNP, Madonna University
MSN, University of Phoenix
MBA, University of Phoenix
734-432-5456, Room #1400B
Angela is a full time faculty member in the College of Nursing and Health. She joined the faculty in 2019. Prior to that she functioned as the Simulation Lab Coordinator and Facilitator. Angela works as a nurse in Labor and Delivery as well.
Teaching interests include incorporating active teaching strategies such as simulation, and the use of simulation to improve student learning/clinical practice. Research interests include the use of simulation in education, health disparities, and psychosocial determinates of health.
Angela is a member of The Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses professional organization, and the American Nurses Association. She also serves as a board member of the Kappa Iota chapter of Sigma Theta Tau.
Ph.D., Wayne State University
MSN, University of Michigan
BSN, Northern Michigan
734-432-5452 Room# 1411D
P.h.D. University of Jordon
MSN, Jordan University of Sciences & Technology
734-432-5481 Room#1400A
D.N.P., University of Michigan-Flint
MSN, University of Michigan-Flint
BSN, Eastern Michigan University
734-432-5476, Room #1411C
D.N.P., Wayne State University
MS, University of Michigan
BSN, Creighton University
BS, Albion College
734-432-5482, Room #1411E
Claude (Bud) Lauderbach has been a nurse for over forty years and a healthcare executive for more than thirty years with experience in nursing, acute care, ambulatory, behavioral, home health and hospice care settings, physician hospital organizations, and population-based health management. He joined the Madonna University College of Nursing and Health faculty in 2017 where he serves as Assistant Professor and Program Director for MSN Administration, MSN/MBA, and MSN Leadership degree programs.
In addition to his full-time faculty work, Dr. Lauderbach works on a part-time basis as a family nurse practitioner at Campus Health Center, Wayne State University. He is also active in international health care consulting with Global Health Services Network, Famington, Michigan.
D.N.P., Michigan State University
FNP, Michigan State University
734-432-5468 Room#1400C
D.N.P., Waynesburg University
MSN, University of Colorado
BSN, University of Iowa
ADN, North Iowa Area Comm College
AS, Macomb Community College
734-432-5453, Room #1313
Linda Nikpour is an Assistant Professor in the Health Sciences Program and she has joined the faculty of Madonna University in 2016. She is the course facilitator for Professional Role Development, Internship in Health Sciences 1, Quality and Clinical Transformation, and Safety across Healthcare Settings.
Her research interests are healthcare data analytics working with Big Data for Population Health. She is board-certified in Nursing Informatics and certified as an Associate within The Health Information Management Systems Society (HIMSS).
D.N.P., Wayne State University
BSN, University of Phoenix
ADN, Henry Ford Community College
734-432-5484, Room #1411B
DNP Madonna University
MSN (Certificate in Teaching), Eastern Michigan University
BS, (Special Education-Hearing Impaired), Eastern Michigan University
ADN, North Harris College
734-432-5459, Room #1400J
D.N.P., Madonna University
MSN, Eastern Michigan University
BSN, Madonna University
ADN, Henry Ford Community College
734-432-5874, Room, #1113F
Dr. Roxanne Roth is an Assistant Professor in the College of Nursing and Health. Dr. Roth joined Madonna’s full time faculty in 2016. She completed her DNP work at Madonna University in 2016 with a focus on communicating with comfort among advance practice nurses.
Prior to joining the Madonna University nursing faculty, she held leadership and clinical positions in the field of hospice and palliative care, outpatient services and oncology. Her recent experience includes system design and implementation of education, research and innovation strategies. Her research and practice interests include advanced illness management, communication skills at end of life, population health, global health, and nursing education.
D.N.P., Madonna University
MBA, Madonna University
MSN, Madonna University
BSN, Oakland University
BS, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Dr. Savine is the Assistant Professor and Term 1 Lead for the ABSN program
He also as a leader of the National FirstChoice program with Trinity Health where he manages nurses and builds programming to best support the growing mobile nursing workforce.
Also active in the ANA and American of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) professional organizations.
DNP, Madonna University
ANP-BC, Madonna University
ACNP-BC, Madonna University
RN, University of Windsor
734-432-5528 Room# 1411A
Dr. Kinjal Talati is the Department Chair for ABSN Program at Madonna University. She is a Madonna alumna and has been with Madonna for over 5 years. Dr. Talati is a dual certified Nurse Practitioner in the area of Acute Care and Family Practice. She currently works in the Intensive Care Unit.
Dr. Talati's teaching philosophy, and beliefs instills the mission and the vision of Madonna University. Her passion for teaching values engagement, respect, humility, and commitment to serving others.
D.N.P., Madonna University
MSN, Walden University
BSN, Western Michigan University
734-432-5595, Room #1410
734-432-5779, Room #1400